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Behind Rosella we got a story to tell! Our name is inspired from the real process of our product which starts as a calyx in Nuba & ends as a beverage in Birmingham, UK The first section of the name is Derived from the original name of our nubian plant, Roselle in an elegant way. The section ella is an english name which means one who is a beautiful fairy; one who enjoys life. We can say that we have innovated a new word from that combination which suits who we really are. By extension, also our logo is based on a fantastic concept Let's take the big picture! First without going into details, you can see clearly the Roselle flower top view. We can go deeper right now! Each petal of our big flower is designed to look like the roselle calyx which is commonly steeped to make our popular infusion "carcade". Go deeper & deeper Each petal isn't just shaped like calyx, but also it could be considered the ideal combination of calyx & the special character of the nubian women represented by the nubian earing to hit what we are seeking. Along the same lines, our packaging style was carefully choosen to reflect the freshness idea since it is the tableau on which we present our art and the link that completes our missing thoughts. .. A tale of maroon roselle skilfully written by YM11!

  • Service

    Branding / Packaging

  • Industry

    Food / Beverage

  • Published


The interface uses gesture control via the touch sensitive speaker unit to wirelessly adjust audio preferences and the system is also available with active noise cancelling technology for a fully immersive experience.nn

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The interface uses gesture control via the touch sensitive speaker unit to wirelessly adjust audio preferences and the system is also available with active noise cancelling technology for a fully immersive experience.

Richard Price

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